Monday, July 4, 2011

'US no longer a superpower'

Washington: Two out of three Americans taking part in a poll do not believe that the United States is the sole remaining superpower in the world.

The poll, released by Time magazine and the Aspen Institute, also indicates that Americans want their leaders to focus more on domestic challenges and less on foreign issues, The Christian Science Monitor reports.

Over two-thirds of Americans consider the last 10 years to have been a decade of decline for America. Three-fourths of American people say economic weakness poses a greater danger than national security threats, the report said.

In May, a Pew Research Centre poll found that majorities in every partisan group of the population including, for the first time in the decade of 9/11, conservative Republicans agreed with the statement that the US ‘should pay less attention to problems overseas and concentrate on problems here at home.

Last month, President Obama declared, in announcing his plans for a troop drawdown in Afghanistan said, “America, it is time to focus on national-building here at home.”


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